Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Monday, November 28, 2005

Sunday, November 27, 2005

working on 15 second animation...

last week:
good: played with water colors, ink, and scanned stuff... (happy about the work)
got my books from amazon... david carson's 3 books, paul rand's, naville broody's and others... ordered two fashion illustration books will get it after chrismas... and yeah sagmeister;s book too... and watched "revolver" by guy ritchie... was great... listening to the likes of the album leaf... a little progress in the final project about SUFISM... met this new guy will work on a shopping cart skinning... farhan latif started his own company called "strategic inspirations" in michigan... and i might do his graphic work... too...

bad: missed couple of classes (a long tradition of mine)... hmm what else... Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 25, 2005

maria be collection 2006

Initial comps for a 15 seconds motion graphics piece... finally after a lot of experimentation got the look I wanted... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Nail Biting Sessions

Exam results are due any day now and its time for being anxious.
The anxiety only strikes when I think to feel the actual results in front
of me, the rest of the day I stay cool.
As per my exam taking was concerned it was pretty smooth and if the exam
taking is to be taken as a measure for getting marks then I should be
getting good enough.

The person who I speak to regarding the matters of the university kept on
saying “this week, this week” and now it is nearing to be one month. One day
he shifted from this week this week to today or tomorrow. He said the result
is prepared they are making a list of the result which they will be faxing
in a day or two.
(if you are thinking 2 days+2 days =4days,then you are wrong.
I went to the university’s website and they had a link for the results.
Enter your registration number it said, and I entered what it had said
selected my course B.B.A and clicked enter.

The page where I was lead

Name: Hani Aref

And all 5-subject codes had 0’s in front of them.

I panicked and entered consecutive registration numbers all turning out
0’s.So It wasn’t what I thought it was, I hadn’t scored zeros in all my

But could it be that all these students had scored zeros?

The two girls in class, the ones that are going to score the most.I had to
know what the website showed with their results, but every registration
number I tried didn’t lead me to their names, and the website didn’t have
the feature for the name to be entered to get to the results …………

I called the matter-of-university guy and asked for one of the girls
registration numbers, he did give me an excuse for not giving it but decided
against the excuse, I ran back entered her registration number and all zeros
And then I said to myself when the results come,he will let me know himself.
Having said that, I have good and bad news for you.

The bad news is that whatever you read above is all void because my result

Which leads me to the good news that I passed but not with those colors(that fly around).

The result came after I had started writing this post so I couldn't waste the work I had put in gathering the post together so forgive me, if you please.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

poster for free

if anybody wishes to print this out... on A3 size paper... you can mail me... i will send you the original file... Posted by Picasa


working... working... making some new stuff for some tee shirt and snow board competitions... also making the logo and look for the new portfolio site... some losers registered it... its a long story anyways... so the past month i have been thinking about changing my design name... so after a lot of iterations it came down to Posted by Picasa

snowboard designs

which one do you like? Posted by Picasa


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